Friday, December 19, 2008

Rob Bell's - Imagine

Rob Bell’s – Imagine
Written by: Jason Allen

Imagine there is no truth…
Just a life full of questions…
And absolutely no absolutes…
And the Bible is just a suggestion...
Imagine all the people...
Living how they want…

Imagine there's no doctrine...
And no commandments too...
Nothing to rely on...
And no religion too...
Imagine all the people...
Living in U-N-I-T-Y...

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the CHURCH will be as one

Imagine no convictions...
I wonder if you can...
No need for right or wrong (now)...
Where sin is no longer sin...
Imagine all the people...
Coexisting (Ooo-Ooo)...

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the CHURCH will live as one

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A True Disciple

Very Interesting...


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Coming From the Mouth of a Pastor Near You?

A short excerpt from a blog post by Adam from

"For some, I believe the Bible has become an idol. Some place the Bible
above Jesus’ compassion and love, Jesus’ radical inclusivity, and hold steadfast
onto what they believe to be the correct interpretation of a small amount of
verses that speak about same-sex relations. To those who repeatedly start
quoting Leviticus and Romans verses as soon as anyone brings up the topic of
homosexuality, I’d suggest perhaps you stick your Bible back up on the shelf for
awhile. Perhaps it should collect a little bit of dust.
And maybe, just maybe,
you need to go out and grab coffee with someone who’s gay. Maybe you need to
hear their story, learn about what they’ve been through, how they’ve experienced
Christians and the church."

It's a shame that this kind of talk is coming from inside the "Church". No wonder the world has no idea what TRUTH is. How can a pastor tell anyone to solve a problem by sticking their Bible on the shelf for awhile. What an absolute shame!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Standing for Truth!

A Glimpse into how it's done...

Truth Be Told

"There is no offense whatsoever in going to India, into the heart of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam and declaring that we are there to talk about social justice and public policy and the concerns of poverty. There is no shame in that.

All of the shame lies in going there to declare that Jesus is Sovereign Lord, He is the Savior, and He is the only way. And it is that message which is foolishness in India and foolish in America which is the message that we have been called to proclaim and to live, and the implications of which put the foot down in the realm of justice and in the concerns of poverty and so on.

But I have a sneaking suspicion and an increasingly deep-seated concern that there is here in North America a growing loss of confidence in the Bible itself as the unerring word of God and an increasing willingness to play fast and loose with the uniqueness of the claims of Jesus of Nazareth, and to the extent that that is true, the cutting edge of world evangelization is radically affected."

Friday, December 12, 2008

Is This the Reverence that Christ has Earned?

It would be one thing if I was writing to tell you about how another atheist was taking it upon himself to mock God. That wouldn’t be a surprise. It would be expected. I mean these are people who hate God. But unfortunately I’m not talking about an atheist. I’m not talking about an unregenerate person whose heart is hardened. I’m not talking about Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitches, or Dan Barker…I’m talking about a Youth Ministry Leader in an Evangelical Church (High Desert Church).

What a shame. What an absolute mockery of the beauty in the promise of Christ’s incarnation as a gift to this world. A night that all Christians should reflect on with humility and reverence…and this pastor has taken it upon himself to make it into a stupid joke.

Shame on you sir.

Thursday, December 04, 2008


Who's gonna laugh at this blasphemy? Hopefully not Christians. This is shameful.

The following video is absolutely disturbing. It's a mockery of so many things, but the worse part is that it is a mockery of God, His standards, and the Christians who are trying to abide by them.

But this seems to be typical...Holly-weird will do anything they can to try and change the opinions of the people. I guess they think it's their job to water down truth.

Do some research on the lies that are told here. We'll be discussing this on our next broadcast.


See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die


Who's to Blame?

This guy blames the store...What are your thoughts?


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Gospel 6.0 - What's Missing Here?

You be the judge...

Were I to define a Christian

(Letters of John Newton)

Were I to define a Christian, or rather to describe him at large, I know of no text I would choose, sooner than Galatians 5:17, "The sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other--so that you do not do what you want."

A Christian has noble aims--which distinguish him from the bulk of mankind. His leading principles, motives, and desires--are all supernatural and divine. Could he do as he desires--there is not a angel before the Eternal Throne, that would excel him in holiness, love, and obedience! He would tread in the very footsteps of his Savior, fill up every moment of time in His service, and employ every breath in His praise!

This he would do--but, alas! he cannot! Against these spiritual desires, there is a contrary desire and working of a corrupt nature, which meets him at every turn! He has a beautiful copy set before him in the Scriptures--he is enamored with it, and though he does not expect to equal it, he writes carefully after it, and longs to attain to the nearest possible imitation. But indwelling sin and Satan continually jog his hand, and spoil his strokes!

Therefore, the most spiritual and gracious people confess themselves as vile and worthless! One eminent branch of our holiness, is a sense of shame and humiliation for those evils which are only known to ourselves, and to Him who searches our hearts!

In proportion as the Lord enables you to live more simply upon the blood, righteousness, and grace of the Mediator--you will possess a more stable peace. The nearer you are brought to Him--the more lively sense you will have of your vileness and worthlessness; and your continual need of Him. Thereby your admiration of His power, love, and compassion, will increase from year to year.


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Black Friday Blues

Ralph: New figures released Today confirmed that consumers, who had been sitting on their wallets for months , pulled out the cash for another “Black Friday Extravaganza”, giving the nation’s retailers a much-needed spike in sales.

But unfortunately that wasn’t the case for Betty McBride who is the owner of the Berean Bookstore in Butternut Pennsylvania. Betty, who was quite optimistic before the doors to the Butternut Mall opened…quickly had a change of heart when the crowds stormed right past her store…completely ignoring her One of a Kind Manger Scene.
Betty McBride: I don’t really know what happened. I mean we did everything we could do to draw attention our door busting sales event but none of it seemed to work.

Betty McBride: We hired a high priced marketing team to come up with a catchy slogan and some advertisements to try and attract attention but none of it really seemed to work. We scheduled a full staff of employees and even hired a homeless guy to dress up as a bible and stand outside our store…But we really didn’t get the results we were hoping for.

Ralph: When asked if there was any noticeable difference in the numbers of customers on Black Friday, compared to a normal day at the Berean Bookstore Betty said…

Betty McBride: Our numbers were pretty much just like any other day. I guess the only real difference is that a few people came in asking to use our bathrooms. They said some of their friends had told them our bathroom was the nicest one in the whole mall. The complement was nice, I guess…But it would’ve been nice if they would’ve at least made it seem like they were interested in our store.

Ralph: When asked why she thought the sale at her store didn’t add up to the hype surrounding Black Friday, Betty’s only logical answer was…

Betty McBride: I guess Christmas really isn’t much of a Christian Holiday anymore. It’s sad to see, but times are changing, and the need for Christian things around this time of year just isn’t what it used to be. I mean seriously, how can we compete with an 85 inch T.V. for $350.00? That’s what WALMART was selling. We just can’t offer people anything like that. If our neon manger scene didn’t draw us a crowd, then I’m afraid nothing ever will.

Ralph: Reporting from Butternut Pennsylvania…This is Ralph Ronchetti…God Talk Radio, News.
