Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Professor Destroys Anti-Abortion Display

Hey Everyone:
Here is the article I discussed on Tuesday nights show.  I didn't have it handy at the time and I don't want anyone to think that I was making it up or talking non-sense.  Please read the article and leave some feedback on your thoughts.

"The last value of a degenerating society is tolerance."

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hey Christians, Tolerate This

In the category of "You've got to be kidding me" we find a news article about the age old festival of a taxpayer-supported "gay" celebration in San Francisco, who's main advertisement is a poster portraying Jesus Christ and his disciples as "half-naked homosexual sadomasochists."

This poster has come under heavy fire from major Christian groups who are demanding that California lawmakers condemn it for reasons including the fact that in the poster shows the bread and wine, representing Christ's blood and body, with sadomasochistic sex toys.

In my opinion the irony of the entire situation is the fact that this "street fair" which has been going on since 1984 is sponsored with Tax payer funds and even claims house hold co-sponsors like Miller Brewing Company. The city will also be providing on-the-clock police officers who will not paid by the organizers, but will instead be paid by the tax payers of San Francisco.

Matt Barber, policy director for cultural issues with Concerned Women for America, had the following statement:

"Senator Larry Craig was arrested and driven out of the Senate for allegedly soliciting public 'gay' sex, yet during this event the city of San Francisco suspends the law and allows 'gay' men and women to parade the streets fully nude, many having sex – even group orgies – in broad daylight, while taxpayer-funded police officers look on and do absolutely nothing."

Barber encouraged mainstream media to cover the event with cameras in hand.

"There's an unbelievable news story here," he said. "The Folsom Street Fair is reminiscent of biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, and the media should document exactly what the city of San Francisco is allowing to occur – in public – in the name of tolerance."

So with the gay community so quick to jump on Christians for anti-gay and "homophobic" rhetoric, and the mainstream media so quick to jump on religious fanatics like Freddy Phelps, do you think there will be any attention paid to the hypocrisy of this event and the advertisements that were used to promote it?

GTR Staff

Friday, September 14, 2007

Superman's OK, but Jesus is not

A Washington State school has banned the Bible during a class that is set aside for "Reading for Pleasure".

In the letter sent home to parents about the class there was also a description of which reading materials were allowed and which materials are not.

Books, magazines, and even comic books are acceptable reading materials during this time, since the idea is to award children the opportunity to "enjoy reading."

However, the list of "unauthorized" material was what really caught the attention of students and parents alike. Below you will see the exact text that was sent home to the parents:

“Any material that is inappropriate for school is unacceptable. Newspapers (they’re noisy) or picture books (with little or no text) are not acceptable. Material that is unreasonably below grade level is unacceptable. The Bible or other religious texts are not acceptable for RFP. If there is any dispute, the teacher is the final arbiter of what is acceptable in class.”

What are your thoughts?


Thursday, September 13, 2007

How do you know that you are saved?

Thursday, September 06, 2007

When is God a Consuming Fire?

The answer is that he is this way when "there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins." Heb. 10:26: "If we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins." Then verse 27 begins: "But [instead] a terrifying expectation of judgment." In other words there are two possibilities: 1) terrifying judgment or 2) a sacrifice for sins. This means that sin is what God is angry about. And it means that he has made a provision for escaping his anger, namely, the sacrifice of his Son in the place of sinners.

The love of God provides escape from the wrath of God by sacrificing the Son of God to vindicate the glory of God in forgiving sinners. That's the gospel. The Gospel of Jesus Christ , the essence of Christianity , makes no sense at all apart from the wrath of God. If there is no wrath and no judgment to escape, then Christ was sacrificed in vain.

April 13, 1997
Bethlehem Baptist Church
John Piper, Pastor
Copyright 1997 John Piper

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Can right be done wrong?

Is it possible to do the right thing for the wrong reason? If so, can it also be true that one can use what is "right" wrongly?

In first Timothy, Paul is writing to Timothy about those who were teaching the Law improperly. But how can you improperly use/teach something that is good?

The Ten Commandments were written by God and given to Moses on Mount Sinai. Most people know the Ten Commandments as a list of religious and moral imperatives or better yet God's do's and don'ts.

These moral guidelines were give to Moses well after the "fall of man" so why would God give a list of laws to His people that He knew they would be unable to keep? That seems weird doesn't it? Kind of like giving candy to a young child and then telling them not to eat it. A little unfair don't you think?

Well I think there is an answer to this question, and to be honest, it's actually really not that hard to understand.

God is Holy, Righteous and Just. So, if God is just then it is safe to say that His justice must be poored out upon all of His creation. Before sin entered into the world (Adam and Eve) God's creation was living harmoniously in perfection as He designed and willed. But because of the fall of man, sin entered into the world and therefore, justice was required. The Bible tells us that "The wages of sin is death..." (Rom. 6:23) which in it's most basic form is mankind's penalty...and God's justice served.

So then why would God have an expectation of mankind which was impossible for them to fulfill? That seems kinda harsh right? Well it is. God hates sin. From the tiniest little "white lie" to the most brutal murder, God hates sin. God did not change His expectation of mankind simply because mankind chose to disobey God. That is not justice. That would be like a modern day judge saying I understand that the speed limit said 55, but since you were doing 60 I'll say that the speed limit really should have been 65. That is not justice and God requires justice.

But there is hope. God is Just, but He also is Love. And because He loves His children, He sent His Son to die on the cross as an atonement to cover the sins of the world.

The Ten Commandments were a reminder to mankind of God's expectations of us. They were also given to us, as a foreshadowing of what was to come. Jesus Christ, the fulfilment of the Law.

Therefore the only way that the Law can be taught and used properly is by the understanding that no man can live up to the expectation of God without the atonement of Christ on the cross, the forgiveness of our sins, a repentant attitude, and a faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord.