Tuesday, June 27, 2006

What is wrong with this picture?

This past weekend many of the world's most influential cities "celebrated" diversity and tolerance by hosting "Gay Pride" marches. The homosexual, bisexual, and transgender participants marched in these parades to promote the idea of equal treatment for all.

For the sake of not wanting to sound like a bigot or an ignorant fool, I know this world is dealing and always has (since man's fall) dealt with the possibility of homosexual relationships. Although I don't agree with or promote these relationships I do feel that as Christians we are called to love these individuals as Jesus loved those who struggled with sin when he walked this very same earth.

With that said, let's move on to the real issue here.

The problem with this specific situation (the gay pride marches) is simple. If you look at the picture posted above you will see that the person shown (seemingly a female) is actually a male transvestite. He is dressed in a provocative nun-outfit and sporting a rainbow umbrella. You would be a fool not to see the underlining message that is being presented. This is a blatant attack on the Catholic Church and their stance on homosexuality and homosexual marriage.

Why is it that when the church stands for the idea of "Marriage= 1 Man + 1 Woman" they are considered "extremists" who continue to promote the ideologies of hate and non-acceptance?

Many of the activists who marched this weekend view themselves much like the civil rights activists who marched during the 60’s. They feel they are promoting the idea of equality in a seemingly discriminatory world. There is a difference however in the civil rights marches and the gay pride march. The difference is that the African-American’s were fighting for equal civil rights for all people. They were not calling on America and the world to redefine the sanctity of marriage or any other institutions, they were simply asking for equality and acceptace in society.

Today’s world has already “accepted” the human and civil rights of the homosexuals, bisexuals, and the transgender community. Homosexuality was once considered to be a "mental disorder" but now it is not view as a disorder at all. The case for homosexuality has already been heard, and in most countries around the world the rights of homosexuals to live "openly" is protected under the law. Discrimination based on sexual orientation is no longer "OK" in America and the penalties for any organizations who fail to comply with the equal opportunity laws are very stiff.

So why do we have the large scale marches like we saw this weekend? If the world has already spoken and clearly stated that all people deserve equal civial rights then what is all the fuss about?

The answer is simple. The people who participated in the marches this weekend are not simply seeking equal rights, they are seeking a large-scale stage where they can advocate the idea of bitterness and hatred towards the Christian foundation of America. These marches are an attack on the church and the moral and spiritual ground on which today’s church stands. Homosexuals are not simply looking for acceptance or tolerance, they are looking to change the very foundation of America (and other counties as well) and the values that many institutions still hold dear. This type of “activism” will not stop until the homosexual, bisexual and transgender community has succeeded in their charge. The sad thing is that they are gaining ground each and every day!

Do you agree? Do you disagree? Please tell us why!!!!!!

GTR Staff

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

But just don't say the "J" word

LAS VEGAS, NV -- School officials in Las Vegas cut a high school valedictorian's speech short last week after she made a religious reference.
Foothill High School senior Brittany McComb said, "Just like other valedictorians thank their parents, I wanted to thank my Lord and Savior."

But when she departed from her officially-approved text at last Thursday's commencement ceremony to mention Jesus and the Bible, public school officials cut off her microphone.

The crowd of nearly 400 graduates and their families angrily booed officials who silenced her.

Do you think the school officials did the right thing by cutting Ms. McComb's speach short?

GTR Staff

To read the entire article on Brittney McComb's speach please click here.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Guess Who's coming to radio?

God Talk Radio Live is proud to welcome Mark Gold to the radio show on 01 July 2006.

Mark Gold has an extensive history of serving God in the ministry of spreading the gospel to the world. Mark Gold was the youth pastor of Friendship Church in Prior Lake Minnesota for over two decades and has traveled the world in pursuit of telling others about the wonderful news of God's salvation through grace.

Please join us live on Saturday July 1st at 10:30 (CST) as we are blessed to hear how God continues to work in the life and ministry of Mark Gold.

We would also like to remind everyone that GTR-Live is a "call-in" radio show. So please don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to talk with Mark Gold or the GTR-Live crew.

If you know anyone who is searching for answers about God please invite them to listen to the show as we broadcast live over the internet. We are very encouraged for this wonderful opportunity and are praying for God's blessing and life changing power!!!

GTR Staff

Monday, June 12, 2006

Blood Money

According to its 2005 annual report, Planned Parenthood racked up $63 million in profit for disposing of a record-setting 255,015 "products of conception" such as that shown to the left.

Do you think the impartiality of Planned Parenthood should be brought into question considering the "baby-killing" industry obviously reaps such an enormous profit?

Do you think it should be legal for a non-profit and tax exempt organization that is set up to "protect the interests of the mother" to sell the "products" they obtain through abortion?