Friday, September 19, 2008


I received the following email today.  I get these all the time and have always been curious what the response would be if I was to reply with an agenda of my own.
Below you'll see the email I received and the response I sent.  What are your thoughts on either or both?
(The Proposal)

I humbly crave your indulgence in sending you this mail, if the contents do not meet with your personal and business ethics, I apologize in advance. This is by virtue of its nature as being utterly "CONFIDENTIAL". Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried, I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day.

I have decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction, as I have been reliably informed of your discreteness and ability in transaction of this nature. Let me start first by introducing myself properly to you.

I am Mr. Xavier Reid, of Dept of Bill and Exchange with Barclays Bank in the United Kingdom. I need your consent to handle this transaction because it entails a large amount of funds (6.4 Million GBP) deposited by a deceased customer in our bank who died long time ago but has an open beneficiary mandate on his file though, there has not been anyone from his family to make claim of this funds.


I wish to know if we can work together. I would like you to stand as next of kin to my deceased client, who was among the people that lost their life in Kenya air crash in 2003, with the wife, children and entire generation.

[URL Was Removed for Security Purposes]

He made some deposits to my bank, and died without any registered next of kin and as such the funds now have an open beneficiary mandate. Click on the link and see the details because this link gives a very comprehensive picture of what I'm saying. If you are interested do let me know so that I can give you comprehensive details on what we are to do.

I urgently hope to get your response.

Best regards,
Mr. Xavier reid
(My Response)
I will pray that you find a legal and ethical way to make money instead of trying to scam innocent people of their money.
I would like to direct you to a website where you may be able to find help for the much "bigger" problem you face, sin against a Holy and Righteous God.
Remember, God is ALWAYS watching you and someday you will have to answer to Him for the choices you've made on this earth.  With that said, I will be praying for you sir, and hope that you give my email some serious thought!
Have a blessed day,

Thursday, September 18, 2008

She Saved (2) Lives...

Pro-Life Friends,

And just like that, she saved two lives.

When the Programs Coordinator of Students for Life of America headed to a prayer vigil outside a local abortion facility just 3 weeks ago, she had no idea that she was about to save two lives.

Standing there with other members of Students for Life of America, Becky gently approached women who were heading into the abortion facility. Prepared with literature on free resources and local pregnancy crisis centers, she gracefully pleaded the women to reconsider going into the facility. "We'll help you," she said. "We're here for you- we know this must be hard."

"Abortions aren't very safe. Women have left this very clinic in ambulances."

Most of the women hurriedly walked by and entered the facility. Becky pressed on.

"Hi- Can we talk for a few minutes?"

The woman looked up. Her interest had sparked and Becky could see that her eyes were crying out for help. "I'm Becky and I'm here to help. I know this must be hard—but you have other options. Free options."

After a few minutes of gentle conversation, the women decided she was not going to have that abortion. She would cancel the appointment and get the help that was offered.

A life saved- just like that. When Becky realized this woman was keeping her child, her heart leapt with joy. Later that day, she happily told the rest of the SFLA staff "a life was saved today."

We quickly reminded her that she didn't save just one- but two lives. Abortion kills children and harms women. She saved that woman from agonizing physical, emotional, and spiritual pains that she would have encountered if she had gone through with the abortion.

As you probably know, side effects of abortions are uterine hemorrhage, uterine perforation, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, coexistent ectopic pregnancy, asherman syndrome, Post- Abortion Syndrome (depression, drug/alcohol abuse, anxiety attacks, flashbacks, suicidal tendencies, etc) and studies are now showing that the risk of getting breast cancer is increased by 50% of women who have abortions.

She saved one life from being killed and saved another from years of pain. Just like that.

Becky was Sidewalk Counseling, which is one of the many methods SFLA utilizes to end abortion. SFLA goes across the country training college students in various pro-life outreaches for their campus pro-life groups. Sidewalk Counseling is one of our most requested training sessions, and we are happy to offer it.

Students for Life of America does not charge college students to help them start new campus groups and we provide them with entirely free resources and training. We know that we must equip this generation to be pro-life leaders and the most effective way to reaching the most students is keeping things at no-cost.

However, we must fundraise to keep things this way. Students for Life of America is a national non-profit organization that reaches more than 443 campus pro-life groups. Based outside of Washington DC, our vision is to raise up pro-life leaders who will end abortion and change hearts and minds about abortion where it's most needed: on our nation's college campuses.

Please consider a tax-deductible investment in the pro-life movement today.

You can donate to Students for Life of America through our Facebook Cause or by going directly to our website at and clicking 'donate.' Your donation will go directly to providing resources and training to campus pro-life groups.

Remember, this training is invaluable, and think of Becky's impact on that woman and her unborn child. If more young pro-lifers had this training, imagine how many lives across this nation could be saved.

In just a couple minutes, she saved two lives. Please give others the opportunity to do the same.

Donate today: or through the Facebook Cause.

For Life,
Liz Forest
Director of Outreach

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Re: More Prayers from the DNC

Here is an open letter from Dr. Joel C. Hunter on why he prayed the way he did at the DNC:
You have to to love the way he twists the truth to make an attempt at saving face.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Terror in the Womb: The Forgotten Victims of 911

On Thursday, September 11, our nation remembers the victims of the terror attacks of seven years ago in New York City, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. Every American remembers where they were when we were attacked, just as we remember where we were when President Ronald Reagan was shot, or when the Challenger space shuttle blew up on take off, and for those of us old enough when JFK was assassinated. On September 11, 2001, I was in Miami, FL driving one of the Center For Bio-Ethical Reform’s (CBR) Reproductive “Choice” Trucks. Just as I was on the phone with local reporte! rs attempting to secure some media coverage of our pro-life billboard truck project, the tragic news came over the radio. I will never forget that day. I will never forget that fateful day not only because of the devastation it brought to New York and our nation’s capital but because it crystallized in my mind forever the battle to which I have been called. That call is to defend the forgotten victims of terror – America’s unborn children. Interestingly, more Americans were killed by abortionists on September 11 (about 3,200) than were killed by Islamic terrorists (about 3,000). Assuming 3,000 deaths among the 50,000 people who worked at the World Trade Center, about one in seventeen was killed. One in three unborn babies is killed by abortion every day. On September 11, it would have been six times safer to be a worker in the Twin Towers than it was to be a baby in her mother’s womb. Why do Americans support the “War on Terror,” but ignore the plight of the unborn? Why did Americans write big checks to the Red Cross and the United Way, but ignore pro-life organizations which are struggling to raise funds?

Could it be because the press made the victims of September 11 so painfully real? After all, we were shown pictures of the World Trade Center tragedy on television night after night for weeks and months. Grieving relatives were interviewed. Their backgrounds were profiled. The press also made real the horror of the victim’s deaths. The sight of airliners crashing into skyscrapers tortured us. We were sickened by pictures of people jumping from the upper floors. We gasped as the buildings collapsed into rubble. The images were published and broadcast until they became unbearable. Thus was forged a national consensus that, somehow, each of us must fight terrorism, personally, regardless of the cost. Sadly, no such consensus exists concerning abortion -- even in the church. The victims of abortion are anonymous. The horror of abortion is invisible. Of course American’s aren’t haunted by abortion. How could they be? The good news for the forgotten unborn victims of terror is that CBR and others who use the photographic evidence of abortion intend to change all that. Many pro lifers hope to do for the public’s perception of abortion what the media has done for people’s understanding of Muslim terrorism. Abortion pictures have been banned from television, newspapers and magazines but we have airplane photos, truck photos and hand-held signs and we are using them to make abortion as unavoidable as the press made the terror of 9/11. We continue our Genocide Awareness Project on college campuses, our work with crisis pregnancy centers, our video production endeavors, and Reproductive “Choice” Campaign (RCC).

Kristin Doss, 20, who is pro-life and once briefly considered an abortion, was shocked by the images. "They think making it graphic is going to change people's minds when, in actuality, it's just making people mad," she said. "If I was thinking about an abortion, it would make me think twice, but it would also make me angry because it is a person's right and doing that is forcing something on someone."

People get angry when pro-lifers show the truth about abortion because they don't want to be bothered. The pro-life movement is losing this struggle precisely because enough people aren’t bothered by abortion. Unlike 9/11, abortion has not exacted enough of an emotional toll on American society. The culture is in massive denial about what abortion is and does. Also unlike the terror of 9/11, pro-lifers do not have a willing media to help forge a consensus on the terror of abortion. Americans are not angered at the news media for showing the pictures of 9/11 because Americans are not complicit in the deaths of those who perished in the Twin Towers or Pentagon. However, many Americans ARE angered by our images of aborted babies because at least 40 million parents have participated in the killing of an unborn baby. The news media, entertainment media, education establishment, clergy, etc. have suppressed the truth about abortion. Therefore, we must bypass these gatekeepers and take our message directly to our target audience. This is the lesson of historical social reform. Social reformers have always had to force-feed facts into the heads of people who resist evidence of their own complicity in injustice. The Reproductive “Choice” Campaign and other similar efforts by pro lifers across America will continue to disturb the nation until the stress becomes unendurable. Sooner or later Americans will be forced to come to grips with the victims of abortion. 3000 Americans died on September 11, 2001 by the hands of foreign terrorists to which our nation rightly mourns. Unfortunately, few Americans realize that on the very next day (and everyday since) September 12, 2001 another four thousand Americans died at the hands of domestic terrorists (abortionists) and few if any noticed. Sadly, for these victims of terror there is no day of remembrance.

Mark Harrington is the Executive Director of CBR Midwest, and hosts Activist Radio.

More DNC Prayers

Here's the "other" prayer we were talking about on GTR-Live (09SEP08).

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Burger Evangelism

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son.
For whosoever believes in Him, shall not parish, but have everlasting life.