Truth Be Told

All of the shame lies in going there to declare that Jesus is Sovereign Lord, He is the Savior, and He is the only way. And it is that message which is foolishness in India and foolish in America which is the message that we have been called to proclaim and to live, and the implications of which put the foot down in the realm of justice and in the concerns of poverty and so on.
But I have a sneaking suspicion and an increasingly deep-seated concern that there is here in North America a growing loss of confidence in the Bible itself as the unerring word of God and an increasing willingness to play fast and loose with the uniqueness of the claims of Jesus of Nazareth, and to the extent that that is true, the cutting edge of world evangelization is radically affected."
Hypocrite. If you really claim to be a Christian or follower of Jesus Christ, then you know that He gave us the Great Commission to go out into the world to preach the Gospel - India is part of the world. I would no more visit your church then to deny Christ, as you have done. You are being apologetic to the world and there is real danger in that. You will answer for it sooner or later.
Just to clarify, this pastor is NOT saying that he thinks Christ is a shame...he is instead saying that the world will embrace the church if their goal/agenda is to help the world with poverty and sickness and hunger; but once they start proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ as the ONLY WAY to heaven...they will then call the work of the church a SHAME!!!!
This is a wake-up call to anyone who thinks that we can win souls simply by being kind ALONE. Works is how the world will see Christ in us, but we must also preach the Gospel and MAKE DISCIPLES as we are called to do in the Great Commission.
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