God Talk Radio
A look at the world from a believers point of view.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thank You, Paul Washer
This is a sermon that Paul Washer gave to his church.
It sounds like this would be something a pastor would give to a church he was visiting or a church he was called to speak at which was maybe missing the mark. But this message was instead to his home church, and he is doing exactly what he is called in scripture to do...Preach the word and shepherd his flock.
What are your thoughts on his message?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
More on the Todd Bentley Healings!!!
Here is a video I pulled from another website. It's an interview from wayofthemasterradio.com with a person who has first hand experience with the Florida Outpouring.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
We Want to Hear From You!!!

Sometimes you may have something that you'd like to comment on, but just can't get the guts to call us when we are live. Or, some of you may be listening to our PODCAST version of the show and the option for the live call-in is not there.
Either way...actually for any reason at all please feel free to drop us a line at 651.314.4631 at anytime. We'd love to take your questions, comments, frustrations or anxieties and deal with them as they come in. Who knows, if your message is good-enough we might even use it on our live radio program?
So keep us in mind, and don't forget that we are always looking for some 2-way communication however we can get it!
For His Glory,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Re-Defining Church Growth

Dr. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, made the following assessment:
"The last thing we need to worry about is the numbers in this denomination. We need to worry about the individuals."
In a day and age where churches are often marked purely by the number of congregants that participate in their activities it is nice to see a denomination that is genuinely concerned, not with size but instead the salvation of those in attendance.
Over the years, the mere (28) that I have been alive, I have seen a drastic change in the attitude of many churches. I have attended "Mega-Churches" who have seemed more concerned with filling the pews [and offering plates] on a Sunday morning in order to help fulfil their new and improved 'mission statements' which are simply to offer the world the most entertaining thing to do with your time.
It doesn't matter if it these activities are based on scripture or not...Let's get them in the door with an amazing marketing campaign...fill their bellies with food, warm their taste-buds with some fresh Starbucks coffee and then maybe..just maybe...right when they least expect it...give them a glimpse of the Gospel of Jesus. The good stuff of course (i.e. love, mercy and grace) and not the whole message (i.e. wrath, anger, and justice).
I know that this may seem a bit harsh, but the truth is that the church over the past couple of decades or so has really been missing the mark. It is nice to see a denomination who can recognise that error in ways, come together and repent, and then make a point to get back to the Biblical basis for what the Christian Church really is.
Not "Six Flags over Jesus" but instead the bride of Christ, and a group of believers willing to do whatever it takes to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a world that is grasping at straws for the truth!
Extra Read: Charles Spurgeon on Church Growth
For His Glory,
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Post Rapture Evangelism?

The article states that:
“For just $40 a year, believers can arrange for up to 62 people to get a final message exactly six days after the Rapture, that day when -- according to Christian end times dogma -- Christians will be swept up to heaven, while doubters are left behind to suffer seven years of Tribulation under a global government headed by the Antichrist.”
Here’s my take:
This is absurd. If we are doing our job as Christians, then there shouldn't be anything we need to tell anyone who may be left behind, that they haven’t already heard from us enough times to drive them absolutely silly. Unless of course we are asking them to take care of our dog or feed our fish...
Why should we waste any time worrying about what is going to happen to our friends or family, after Christ returns, when we have every opportunity to reach them now while we are still on earth?
Another problem that I have is this:
This service is supposedly run by Christians for Christians. The company, ‘You've Been Left Behind LLC’>, is exploiting the Biblical end time prophesy for their own financial gains. That to me is simply unacceptable. What service are you really providing these folks? To me it’s not any different then the money changers who Jesus drove out of the church (Mark 11:15-17) when they were robbing God's people and making a mockery of the church. It's no different than the indulgences that the Catholic church has sold to save family or friends from purgatory. It is disturbing to see that a “Christian” organization would even consider this kind of business practice. It’s a very clever idea, don’t get me wrong here, but let’s leave the swindling, scams and frauds to the unregenerate please.
For His Glory,