Re-Defining Church Growth

Dr. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, made the following assessment:
"The last thing we need to worry about is the numbers in this denomination. We need to worry about the individuals."
In a day and age where churches are often marked purely by the number of congregants that participate in their activities it is nice to see a denomination that is genuinely concerned, not with size but instead the salvation of those in attendance.
Over the years, the mere (28) that I have been alive, I have seen a drastic change in the attitude of many churches. I have attended "Mega-Churches" who have seemed more concerned with filling the pews [and offering plates] on a Sunday morning in order to help fulfil their new and improved 'mission statements' which are simply to offer the world the most entertaining thing to do with your time.
It doesn't matter if it these activities are based on scripture or not...Let's get them in the door with an amazing marketing campaign...fill their bellies with food, warm their taste-buds with some fresh Starbucks coffee and then maybe..just maybe...right when they least expect it...give them a glimpse of the Gospel of Jesus. The good stuff of course (i.e. love, mercy and grace) and not the whole message (i.e. wrath, anger, and justice).
I know that this may seem a bit harsh, but the truth is that the church over the past couple of decades or so has really been missing the mark. It is nice to see a denomination who can recognise that error in ways, come together and repent, and then make a point to get back to the Biblical basis for what the Christian Church really is.
Not "Six Flags over Jesus" but instead the bride of Christ, and a group of believers willing to do whatever it takes to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a world that is grasping at straws for the truth!
Extra Read: Charles Spurgeon on Church Growth
For His Glory,
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