Post Rapture Evangelism?

The article states that:
“For just $40 a year, believers can arrange for up to 62 people to get a final message exactly six days after the Rapture, that day when -- according to Christian end times dogma -- Christians will be swept up to heaven, while doubters are left behind to suffer seven years of Tribulation under a global government headed by the Antichrist.”
Here’s my take:
This is absurd. If we are doing our job as Christians, then there shouldn't be anything we need to tell anyone who may be left behind, that they haven’t already heard from us enough times to drive them absolutely silly. Unless of course we are asking them to take care of our dog or feed our fish...
Why should we waste any time worrying about what is going to happen to our friends or family, after Christ returns, when we have every opportunity to reach them now while we are still on earth?
Another problem that I have is this:
This service is supposedly run by Christians for Christians. The company, ‘You've Been Left Behind LLC’>, is exploiting the Biblical end time prophesy for their own financial gains. That to me is simply unacceptable. What service are you really providing these folks? To me it’s not any different then the money changers who Jesus drove out of the church (Mark 11:15-17) when they were robbing God's people and making a mockery of the church. It's no different than the indulgences that the Catholic church has sold to save family or friends from purgatory. It is disturbing to see that a “Christian” organization would even consider this kind of business practice. It’s a very clever idea, don’t get me wrong here, but let’s leave the swindling, scams and frauds to the unregenerate please.
For His Glory,
What the Christians believe about the rapture:
Here are examples of these "left behind letters". People can read through them to get the overall idea of what they are trying to tell people (even if it is just for entertainment):
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