Thursday, February 28, 2008

Real Preachers of Genius

Yes, this video is satire I understand, but is safe to say that there is probably some truth behind the video?

I mean at what point are we going to stop trying to "look like the world" and understand that we are called by Christ to be different. I think we lose the "TRUTH" behind the scriptures as we try to water down the "church" experience to make people feel more comfortable. We should never want to make people comfortable with their sin. The bible and the law are both tools to help convict our spirit of our hearts true condition. -- [Is. 64:6]

Of course the video is a bit extreme, but I'm sure if we think about it, and it probably doesn't take that much effort, we will find that a lot of churches today are not far from this very thing...

What are your thoughts?

Monday, February 18, 2008

What's that you say?

Excuse me, but did you say your a conservative, pro-life, and Christian?

Sir Charles Barkley would like a word with you!

What are your thoughts on the video?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A New Understanding of Christianity!

For some reason, I always find it a bit troubling when pastors or religious teachers come up with new 'concepts' of who God is. When they try and convince people of their recent 'enlightenment' by making statements similar to the one shown below:

I've finally figured it out! I finally understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ...and boy have we all had it wrong until now.

Does that honesty make sense to anyone? Do you actually believe that it has taken this long for us to figure out the message that Jesus came to earth to teach over 2,000 years ago? Are you honestly convinced that a teacher or a preacher today would be able to understand the true Gospel more than some of the very people who walked the earth with Jesus Christ himself, and whom God used to write some of the inerrant books in the Bible?

I'm always weary of anything "new" when it comes to God or His Word. It's my firm belief that if it isn’t orthodox, then it isn’t God.

Now before you get bent out of shape or cast me completely aside as an absolute lunatic, let me attempt to explain what I mean. I don't think that it would, should, or could take us this long to understand what Jesus Christ was really trying to say in the scripture. It brings me great sorrow to hear pastors and teachers today trying to change the scriptures to meet their new (and improved) understanding of who God is.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8). He is absolute from the beginning to the end. God is loving and God is just...Therefore the orthodox understandings of heaven and hell make absolute and perfect sense. We don't have to justify or change anything about these concepts, and it is dangerous when we try to "change" theology to fit in with today's new-aged post-modern all-encompassing universalist society that has a concept Jesus Christ that takes away from his very purpose and existence.

Watch the video below and then leave your comments...Maybe I'm the one who's way out of line? Maybe it’s me who needs to get with the program

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

They Will Not Be Persuaded...

How often do we ponder the idea that if we could only find the right string of words, truths and historical accuracies to put together about God, then we would be able to convince even the greatest skeptics of the absolute certainty of His existence?

I was reading the Gospel of Luke (16:19-31) and was quite amazed by the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. The story is simple, and it's one that is often used to provide proof of both heaven and hell.

In this parable, Lazarus is a poor man who sits outside the gates of a rich man's home waiting and begging for scraps. He is covered with sores on his body that the dogs would lick and he was in desperate need. The rich man on the other hand had everything that anyone could ask for. He had power, glamour and glory. He had an abundance of fancy clothes and was not in need for anything...Well almost anything.

The story goes on to talk about how after both men had passed on, they found themselves in two very different places. Lazarus was in heaven and the rich man in hell. It is quite an interesting story if I might say so myself.

Anyway, I was mainly caught up on v. 31 where father Abraham is conversing with the Rich Man and in response to a favor from him says the following:

"if they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone raises from the dead"

So what can we take from this? What is Jesus telling us in this story?

I can't tell you how many arguments (friendly debates of course) I have gotten into with atheists who have attempted to convince me that they would gladly believe in God if only he would produce just one miracle that would reveal himself to them. But scripture tells us something quite different. Jesus was speaking directly to the Pharisees whom he knew would plot his very death. And he also foreknew that he would be crucified on a cross and rise from the dead 3-days later and yet they would find excuses to explain naturally why he was no longer in his tomb.

Unbelief is a moral problem not an intellectual one. You can use as much wit, charm, proof, and intellectual arguments as you want to try and convince someone of the existence of God, but until their heart is melted by the power and truth of the scripture they will not be changed.

It is the power of the Word of God alone that changes a heart, and only through the revealed Word of God can 'unbelief' be changed into a true faith in God.

So don't waste time with foolish arguments or debates. Christian Apologists are wonderful and important, but we must stand firm on what the scriptures tell us is true. Preach the Word, and pray that the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of the unsaved to the truth and beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

For His Glory.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…

Recently God Talk Radio (GTR) was sent the question of whether or not we should be worrying about the battle between the Creationism and Evolution theories. Is this a small issue that we are making too big or is this an issue that is not big enough?

I agree that there are many small matters that we as Christians should not sweat. That if we keep our lives centered on Christ and our noses in the Bible that we will find many of our problems are not as big as initially thought. But I do believe that the Creationism / Evolution issue is not a small one.

Believing in Creationism is not just about saying that you believe Evolution is wrong but mostly about testifying that our God is infinitely big and is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives from the decisions we have to make from day to day to the way our pinky toe nail grows.

We at GTR believe that God is the Creator and that He created us. We believe that God is proactive in our lives and in everything that happens here on Earth and everywhere in the Universe. Every blade of grass, every twig, every breath of wind, and every person are all directed by our Sovereign Lord who works all things according to His purposes.

Believing in Evolution is, in essence, saying that we are all just matter in motion. You are saying that there may be a God, but he doesn’t really care; all he did was get the ball rolling, then sit back and watch. If that is the case then nothing we do has any consequences because our lives have no purpose or meaning.

If we are just matter in motion then what does it matter that we are in motion?

My God is bigger than this. And by realizing that God is our Creator, we are recognizing that He has the ability and authority to do whatever He pleases with His world and all that is in it. With a God that can create all things with just words, then there truly is nothing that is impossible for Him.