You're Kidding Me, Right?
A look at the world from a believers point of view.
What does it mean to be "saved" by the blood of Jesus? Is it really his blood or death that saves us? If it was simply blood that saved, or the cross, then why Jesus? Why not someone who deserved it? Why not someone like you or me instead?
I am not a big fan of the social networking sites. has seemed to become the hangout for sexual predators and is a playground for those who are college aged but elementary minded. But if you enjoy the incessant influx of pointless surveys about your friends or find juvenile delight in the countless applications like superpoke then click away to either of these sites to fulfill all your geeky gleeness.
So if you could have church anyway you want it, what would church look like to you?
Well, you see, the Bible was written long, long ago and was meant to lay down rules back when thinking was uniform of that time period so that all understood the meaning that was put behind the writing. However, because of the corruption of greed and the like, many now translate it into what they want it to mean, molding it to fit their wants and desires. Not only this, but many have conducted their own evils from this using the word of God as their excuse. Not only is it shameful to those that believe in God, but it is also morally wrong to use religion as a means to safeguard oneself from harm.
In a day where offending someone is a crime, we have no way to stop anyone by any means other than waiting for a court to get them, though loop holes are made. Thus, religion, poses a problem to many a public eye. The battles fought over religions many, many years ago, all the blood shed said to be in the name of God, really was not God's desire. If God wants all to be happy and well, then why is it he would start a war? No, the one's that started the "Holy Wars" were the men who desired power. A great movie on this would have to be Kingdom of Heaven.
To me, the Bible is no longer a source for which people to follow. Besides, no one really follows the Bible to the letter. If you only follow the parts you like, what does that say? It says you do not agree to all of the teachings so you have no right to say you live by the Bible. On top of that, why should you need to do so? If we all have the ability to be a good person or a bad person, why must we follow rules? Should we not be able to know what is right and what is wrong?
Also, another thing I found was odd... How can people say that the only way to get to Heaven is to follow the Bible to the letter when they themselves do not? Mind you, some do, but most do not and yet lie and say they do in order to appear better. Who cares what others think? Should you not be able to live your life, using your heart and mind and soul to become and good person or a bad one? Should you not be able to do what you think is good and just and be able to stand before God and say:
"I know that I may not have followed the scriptures, but I do believe I made good in the world and I never faltered in my moral standings, nor did I force upon others my will as that is corruption's purest of forms. For this and this alone, I do believe, I have completed the true goal put upon me by you; being a good person. May I now enter the gates of Heaven? "
I will tell you this, I am an agnostic. No, not atheist. Agnostic people are, literally, those who do not confirm nor deny the existence of any immortal or divine being. I, being heavily Irish, am very in tune to the supernatural and the ethereal realms. I believe there are many things that happen in life and in death. I do not fear death for one simple reason; I know I made bad choices, but I know I made more good choices to outweigh the bad and I have made people's lives better in my time being alive. No human lives forever, except in story and legend. Anyway, I do not want to say there is God or any other Divine Immortal. However, I do believe that something created that which created this existence and be it God or any other I do not know and will not determine until it is my time. If I can stand at the gates of Heaven and see that it is indeed God awaiting, then I will see it as fact and believe in that alone. I do not want to say something does not exist when it does nor do I want to say something does exist when it does not. I know there is something up there, but I do not believe it was they that created us. I believe we evolved, but I also believe something or someone created that which we evolved from somehow. The raw materials that created the Big Bang were used to make us. We may be an accident, we may have been created by mistake, but the point is that something created the universe from the nothingness that was once the universe. Whatever it was that made those raw elements is still there as it could not have just died. I do not believe it is a solid form and has to be some sort of spiritual being or force. I know my views may seem different and odd, but it is what I believe. After all, in a time where science and religion clash together, I have found a balance between them.
I, myself, wish to become a microbiologist (scientist that studies microbes and viruses). I have formed my own view on things, though. Science is not perfect and can not prove everything, but it is helping us understand our physical world.
If anyone would like to discuss it with me, I will be trying to get on the show sometime soon in order to better explain this all as I can only type up so much before my hands begin to hurt.