Are We There Yet?

In an exert from his journal, Avery Cardinal Dulles paints a pretty interesting picture on how we (everyone) is given the opportunity to be saved.
This idea of universal salvation is not new, but it is becoming more and more accepted by people who view the idea of "one way to heaven" as a harsh. These people like to believe that the God they serve is more gracious than most hard-core-fundamentalist-Christians give him credit for. They would like to assume that no matter what your faith is, or lack there of, you will be awarded the opportunity for salvation.
This is an interesting theology, one that is easier to preach in today's world that demands tolerance and acceptance of everyone equally. Well, almost everyone. But this Gospel is dangerous, because it undermines and removes the truth behind the Holy Word of God. The Bible is clear on what it takes to be saved. In John 14:6 Jesus says, I am the way the truth and the light. No one comes the Father except through me. That is pretty straight forward, and exclusive; and it doesn't look anything like what you will read below.
Here is Avery Cardinal Dulles take on salvation:
"Who, then, can be saved? Catholics can be saved if they believe the Word of God as taught by the Church and if they obey the commandments. Other Christians can be saved if they submit their lives to Christ and join the community where they think he wills to be found. Jews can be saved if they look forward in hope to the Messiah and try to ascertain whether God’s promise has been fulfilled. Adherents of other religions can be saved if, with the help of grace, they sincerely seek God and strive to do his will. Even atheists can be saved if they worship God under some other name and place their lives at the service of truth and justice. God’s saving grace, channeled through Christ the one Mediator, leaves no one unassisted. But that same grace brings obligations to all who receive it. They must not receive the grace of God in vain. Much will be demanded of those to whom much is given."
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