Fear and Trembling

How do we approach our salvation and sanctification? Do we do so with great humility, or do we do so with pride and contempt of the truth, as if it was a work of our own?
In the scriptures above, Paul is not telling the Philippians that they should fear and worry about being saved, he is instead encouraging them to approach the idea of sanctification through other means. The method: Examination of their lives and their fruit, and to do this with fear and trembling.
It is an effort which we should joyously accept as part of our sanctification.... Knowing the truth of the scriptures, "He who began a good work in you, will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:5-7).
We should be moving forward continuously, never backwards or standing still, but always forward. If we remain idle, or worse yet, move further away from the truth and our faith in Jesus Christ, then there is great reason to wonder if we are truly saved at all.
Work out your salvation, and examine yourself (2 Cor. 13:5). Does your life reflect the life of a person who has been saved? Someone who has truly been born again? Is the Holy Spirit helping you rid yourself of the sin and evil in your life? If so, have confidence that you are a child of God and that He is perfecting his work in your life. If not, then you need to ask yourself this question...
How do you know you are saved?
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