Of Course Christians make easy targets. I mean in the very book that we hold as "truth" (The Bible) we are instructed by Jesus to turn the other cheek, right?
This purpose of this post isn't to stir trouble within our ranks, but instead it is to shed light more of the hypocrisy in our world today.
Ann Coulter was called anti-Semitic for comments she made regarding Christians being "perfected" Jews. She wasn't being hateful towards Jewish people, and in fact she was actually telling them they still could get to heaven without Jesus, but it's just not the "fast track" that Christian are on. Apart from her comments being way off track (duel covenant theology) we can learn a lot from the heat that she came under for her comments. Ann was attaked for her hate-speech including her comments on how Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and some other "non-sense" comments like this. And when she was on the Hannity and Colmes show to defend her comments, Alan Colmes accused her of using "classic language of anti-Semitism."
So here comes my question:
Is it really "anti-Semitic" to express your belief in what the New Testament of the Holy Bible says?
I think we might be on to something here. The real issue is that Christians are being attacked because of the truth. Once again we see that the truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth. Regardless of how the truth is presented, it will sound like hate to those who cannot understand spiritual things.
The truth is, that it doesn't really matter what religion you consider to be "true". Eventually, along the theological lines, you are going to find yourself at a place where your views do not "play nice" with those of another. Does that make you anti-Semitic? Does that make you a bigot? I have a radical idea that this does not make you a hate-monger, but instead, simply someone with a different opinion then someone else.
Why have we come to a place in our society where unless you esteem all ideas or viewpoints as equally accurate, then you are considered an intolerant bigot? Why can't we just agree to disagree?
Not a sermon, just something to chew on a bit!