Thursday, September 06, 2012

Get Real: Talking Seriously About Abortion

Why do we so passivly accept the tragidy of abortion in this country? Abortion is one of the greatest moral issues of our time...and this is not simply a woman's issue. It effects us all.

It's very easy to paint anti-abortion candidates as the bad guys when the only certain reasons for abortion (i.e. rape, incest) are used to make a case against their viewpoints. But in reality, less than 1% of the abortions performed annually are because of rape or incest. My hope is that as a nation we can stop with the rhetoric and start looking at this issue seriously. Human lives are at stake and if roughtly 3,500 humans were killed for any other reason, American's would not remain silent.

Why do we so passivly accept the tragidy of abortion in this country? Abortion is one of the greatest moral issues of our time...and this is not simply a woman's issue. It effects us all. And for those who remain silent because they don't want to 'judge' others -- remember that silence is acceptance. It was acceptance during the years of the holocaust, during the years of slavery and Jim Crow laws in this nation. There is a word that can correctly be used when a person is willing to stick up for those who can't stick up for themselves. The word isn't judgmentalintolerant or even hateful, it's honorable.

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