Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The slippery paths of a tempted, tried and afflicted believer

(Charles Spurgeon)

"He will not allow your foot to be moved. He who keeps you will not slumber." Psalm 121:3

This is a choice stanza for pilgrims to the celestial city.

"He will not allow your foot to be moved." Though the paths of life are dangerous and difficult--yet we shall stand fast, for Jehovah will not permit our feet to slide; and if He will not allow it--we shall never be moved! If our foot will is thus kept--we may be sure that our head and heart will be preserved also! Those who have God for their keeper--shall be safe from all the perils of the way.

Among the hills and ravines of Palestine, the keeping of the feet is a great mercy. But in the slippery paths of a tempted, tried and afflicted believer, the blessing of upholding is of priceless value--for a single false step might cause us a fall fraught with awful danger! To stand 'steadfast' and pursue our holy way--is a blessing which only God can give. It is worthy of His divine hand--and worthy also of our perennial gratitude. Our feet shall move in heavenly progress--and we shall never be overthrown!

"He who keeps you will not slumber." We could not stand a moment--if our Divine Keeper were to sleep! We need Him by day and by night. Not a single step can be safely taken--except under His guardian eye. God is the convoy and body-guard of His people. When dangers are all around us--we are safe, for our Preserver is awake, and will not permit us to be moved. No fatigue of exhaustion can cast our God into sleep--His watchful eyes are never closed!

Grace Gems


Friday, August 07, 2009

Work in your hearts a hatred of sin

“Work in your hearts a hatred of sin… If a man had killed your friend, or father, or mother, how would you hate him! You would not endure the sight of him, but follow the law upon him.

Send out the avenger of blood with a hue and cry after thy sin; bring it afore God’s judgment seat, arraign it, accuse it, spit on it, condemn it and thyself for it, have it to the cross, nail it there, if it cry I thirst, give it vinegar, stretch the body of sins upon his cross, stretch every vein of it, make the heart strings crack; and then when it hangs there, triumph over the dying of it, show it no pity, laugh at its destruction, say, Thou hast been a bloody sin to me and my husband, hang there and rot. And when thou art tempted to it [sin], and art very thirsty after the pleasure of it, say of that opportunity to enjoy it, It is the price of Christ’s blood, and pour it upon the ground.

Shall I live upon that which was Christ’s death? Shall I please myself in that which was his pain? Shall I be so dishonest, so unkind, as to enjoy the pleasure for which he endured the smart?”

—Thomas Goodwin (1600—1679), Christ the Mediator in The Works of Thomas Goodwin (RHB), 5:294.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Are You Kidding Me?

Anytime you see a lead line like this one "Recently, GQ magazine revealed" it's probably safe to assume you don't have to give much credit to the rest of the article.

Even if it is true, and we all know certain extent it probably is. This does nothing but point us to the realization that the Bible should never be taken out of context. People misuse the scripture all the time to manipulate all kinds of things. Let's get back to what's important from scripture. Christ died to pay the price for the sins of the world. Everything else in scripture is a reflection of that glorious truth!

Read the comical article here