Friday, July 31, 2009

Dear Abby Doesn't Miss a Beat:

I'll let you be the judge of this.

It's hard to believe that anyone would find this kind of lifestyle acceptable, but in Abby's response, it's being spun that the sister who is feeling guilty because of where the money came from, is the one who has the problem.

God Help Us!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

We meekly knock at mercy's gate

(Henry Law, "Family Prayers")

"All of us have become like something unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; all of us wither like a leaf, and our iniquities carry us away like the wind!" Isaiah 64:6

Holy Father, Almighty God,
We feel our weakness, our ignorance, our deep corruptions. We meekly knock at mercy's gate. Regard us in tender love--for Jesus' sake. Bend down Your ear--and grant Your smile.

We are blind--be our light.

We are ignorant--be our wisdom.

We are steeped in selfishness--pluck all SELF out of us.

In the deep sense of our guilt--we fly for refuge into the wounded side of Jesus! Be merciful, be merciful unto us--whose only hope is in Your unfailing mercy.

Our sins rise higher than the heavens--but Your merits in our behalf surpass the very heaven of heavens!

Our unrighteousness would weigh us down to hell--but Your glorious righteousness exalts us to Your heavenly throne!

All things in us call for our damnation--but all things in You demand our forgiveness.

We appeal, then, from Your throne of perfect justice--to Your throne of boundless grace!

Blessed Jesus, we hide ourselves in the sure covert of Your wrath-appeasing wounds!

Grant us to hear Your voice assuring us: that by Your stripes we are healed; that You have been bruised for our iniquities; that You have been made sin for us--that we might have Your divine righteousness; and that all our vile and grievous iniquities, are forgiven and buried in the ocean of Your sin-concealing blood!

We are guilty--yet pardoned!

We are lost in ourselves--yet fully saved in You!

Enable us to cling firmly to Your cross--even as we now seek safety and repose beneath its sin-atoning shelter!

Let floods of sustaining grace from Your inexhaustible treasury, enrich our poor and weary souls.

If the enemy approaches, quicken our steps to flee into the wounds of Jesus as our sure refuge! Sheltered in the ark of safety, may we cease to tremble at all alarms. May the good Shepherd lead us this day into the green pastures of His refreshing Word, and cause us to lie down beside the rivers of His divine comforts.

These prayers we humbly offer in the name of Jesus Christ, and trusting only in His saving merits. Amen.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Any Questions?

This is case in point why the Gospel of the Emergent church (and it's spokesman Rob Bell) is no Gospel at all.

Now that your head is spinning and you're stuck humming a pretty catchy tune. Weigh the gospel according to Rob Bell against the version John Piper puts out. See which one you think lines up with scripture and which one is going to tickle the ears of the lost world.

The "Truth War" rages on!



Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Lord, I pray that you will use this to open their eyes to the truth behind the evil that is abortion.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Don't Waste Your Life - Sermon Jam Video

Another wonderful treat from Desiring God:


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Animal Instinct


Thursday, July 02, 2009

Guilty as Charged

An interesting post from Slice on the role "Talk Show Hosts" will play in HATE CRIMES!!!

This is where things get interesting.

Read the artile here

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

What's the Big Deal?

"The difference is scale. Second Baptist is the second-largest 'megachurch' in the U.S., a modern cathedral complex the size of an airport terminal. Inside "E Gym," where the congregation's 'small' Saturday evening service is being held, two basketball courts full of believers in jeans and flip-flops rock out, sing along or just watch as a huge contemporary band jams to the song Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble?"

- Jesse Bogan -

Read the Rest of the Article Here
