Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Examine Yourself

Written By: A.W. Pink

"The great question between our souls and God is not whether we admit the truths of the Scripture into our understandings--but whether they are so applied to our hearts--so as to have wrought a change, and become vital principles of faith and practice. Nothing short of this can afford evidence of a saved and safe condition.

Be much in prayer and self-examination. The more we see of ourselves--the more we see our sin. And the more we see our sin--the more we flee to the death and righteousness of Christ--for pardon, deliverance, and hope! Let nothing interrupt you in this continual work of self-examination; and let self-examination lead you to earnest and ardent prayer. Let no pursuits of literature, no delights of sense, no passing occurrences, no debility of body, no inferior subjects of recreation, prevent you from keeping your thoughts close to God and to eternity!"

From: Grace Gems (choice ELECTRONIC books, sermons & quotes)


Monday, February 23, 2009

Shame on Who?

Not that I endorse/promote this stuff, but this is the attitude that we are coming up against ...and the movement is picking up steam. (John 16:33)


Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Cat's Name is Calvin

OK, I’ll let you know right up front, this post is not about felines. In fact it doesn’t have anything to do with cats at all…I just thought it was a catchy title that would get people to click on the blog post…which I was obviously right about…So, if you were expecting an article about cats, I do apologize!!!

I’m reading a book by John Piper called, “Finally Alive”. It’s a look at the new birth (aka being born again, being saved, being a Christian) and what it really means. The definition of the words ‘born again’ have drastically changed in the past 30 years or so, and Piper’s attempt in the book is to get back to a Biblical understanding of what it really means.

With that said, I came across a chapter in the book which gave reference to a verse that I’ve heard at least 1,000 times before, but the way he expounded on the verse really helped me pull its true meaning together.

You see, I am a Calvinist…[pausing to let that sink in]…I believe that God is in control of all things, including our salvation. I believe that if we take an honest (Biblical) look at our condition because of sin, we will realize that the bible paints a very accurate picture of the both the human heart and their ignorance to God, His Righteousness and our condition in his sights.

And so, as I was reading Piper’s book, I read a verse and for the first time paused at the meaning in the passage. The verse, 1 Corinthians 1:23-24:

“But we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”

Piper explained this verse in a section of his book titled, “Ransomed, Raised and Called”. The point that he was trying to make is that in the new birth (3) very distinct things must happen. We are ransomed by the blood of Christ (for our sins), we are raised from the dead (aka revived from our sin nature, hearts softened…) and we are called (much like Lazarus was called from his physical death to life).

The point Piper made, which really hit me was this. The Gospel is preached to all. They hear it with their ears and they process it with their minds, but not all are saved. Why not? It’s not that they are hearing a different Gospel (assuming they are not members of Joel Osteen’s or Kenneth Copeland’s churches) but not all are saved. And the same message that penetrates one man’s heart and helps him understand the truth of his sin and the glory of what Christ did on the cross, is viewed as foolishness by some and a stumbling block by others. Why is this?

It is because, as Paul points out, not all are called by God. The power is in the Word of God (The Gospel) but God must call us, in order for the Gospel to truly have an effect in our lives. God’s Sovereign hand must first open our eyes to the truth and soften our hardened hearts to it’s beauty, before we can truly believe in Jesus Christ and His Gospel.

Thank You Lord for the Beauty of Your Sovereignty!!!

For His Glory,



Thursday, February 19, 2009

A sermon which Peter never forgot

(J. C. Ryle, "The Gospel of Luke" 1858)

See the infinite mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"At that moment the Lord turned and looked straight at Peter."
Luke 22:61

There was a deep meaning in that look. It was a sermon which Peter never forgot.The love of Christ toward His people, is a deep well which has no bottom! Let us never measure it by comparison with any kind of love of man or woman. It exceeds all other love--as far as the sun exceeds the candle light. There is about it a mine of compassion, and patience, and readiness to forgive sin--of whose riches we have but a faint conception.

Let us not be afraid to trust that love--when we first feel our sins. No man need despair, however far he may have fallen, if he will only repent and turn to Christ. If the heart of Jesus was so gracious when He was a prisoner in the judgment hall--we surely need not think it is less gracious, when He sits in glory at the right hand of the Father!

Posted on Grace Gems

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oh Be Careful Little Eyes....

I'm struggling now with this thought. How much of my life is NOT in line with 1 Cor. 10:31 and how much of me doesn't care?

That’s the battle folks. Our flesh is in battle with our spirit, and the things of this world that are so tempting to participate in, watch, listen to, talk about, joke about…are often times in direct contradiction to what we are to be as Christians and to be frank…WE DON’T CARE.

We are called to be holy as Christ is holy, but are we trying to be? Do we care enough about what Christ did for us on the cross to really make changes in our lives? It’s easy to point a finger at what is wrong with the world and what they do…It’s easy to point a finger at the Church and where they are missing the mark in their impossible mission to be relevant to the world…But what about our own lives? What about the areas of our own life and the choices we make? How much of what we choose to do is not a reflection of God and his righteousness? How much of what we choose to watch is not Christ-like?

The Argument…It’s fun to do, I enjoy it, it’s not hurting anyone…Or, It’s a good movie…it’s a great song…It doesn’t effect me because I don’t ‘struggle in that area…

The Question We Must Ask: Does it bring God glory?

If the answer is no. Then the argument is pointless. Our flesh craves things of this world. As Christians, we are called to avoid these things; regardless how fun, entertaining, humorous or ‘good’ they are. If it doesn’t bring glory or honor to God…we don’t do it.

James 4:4 tells us:

“Whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”

Not a rebuke...Just a thought. And I hope that these truths and convictions that God is revealing to me can also penetrate your heart and help you grow spiritually as well.

For His Glory,


Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's always troubling to see a Church mocking the Bible and turning it into a sideshow. In this video you will find a Church, attempting to be humorous I suppose, taking a Bible story and turning it into a "Jerry Springer" type circus event.

Way to Go Church. You have not turned the Word of God into a joke...


Thursday, February 05, 2009

10 Mins - Which Should Change Your Life Forever!

This video will rock your world. And that is it's intention. Too many of us look at the Christianity that we claim as a means to our own selfish gain. When was the last time you looked at yourself, and your sin and asked God why he hasn't crushed you for it?

I hope that this video brings you to a place in your life and your faith where you realize that it's not about us...It's about God and His Glory!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Why is It?

Why is it?
(Arthur Pink, "Fearing God in His Sovereign Majesty")

"An oracle is within my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes!" Psalm 36:1

Why is it that, today, the masses are so utterly unconcerned about spiritual and eternal things, and that they are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God? Why is it that defiance of God is becoming more open, more blatant, more daring? The answer is, because "There is no fear of God before their eyes" (Romans 3:18).

Again, why is it that the authority of the Scriptures has been lowered so sadly of late? Why is it that even among those who profess to be the Lord's people, that there is so little real subjection to His Word, and that its precepts are so lightly esteemed and so readily set aside?

Ah! what needs to be stressed today--is that God is a God to be feared! Happy is the person who has been awed by a view of God's majesty, who has had a vision of . . . God's unutterable greatness, His ineffable holiness, His perfect righteousness, His irresistible power, His sovereign grace!

Time was, when it was the general custom to speak of a believer as
"a God-fearing man". That such an appellation has become extinct--only serves to show where we have drifted. Nevertheless, it still stands written, "Like as a father pities His children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him!" Psalm 103:13

When we speak of godly fear, of course, we do not mean a servile fear, such as prevails among the heathen in connection with their gods. No! We mean that spirit which Jehovah is pledged to bless, that spirit to which the prophet referred when he said, "To this man will I will look--even to him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembles at My Word." Isaiah 66:2

Nothing will foster this godly fear, like a recognition of the sovereign majesty of God!

"I tell you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you--this is the One to fear!" Luke 12:4-5

Grace Gems (choice ELECTRONIC books, sermons & quotes)


