Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No Spin Here...Just Some Straight Talk!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

To get another trinket!

(Talmage, "The Abominations of Modern Society", 1872)

Excessive devotion to "fashion" is destructive to the soul.
I have known some, who have no regard for their character,
or their momentous and eternal interests--exasperated by
the shape of a shirt-button! What is the matter with that
sad woman?
O, her hat is out of fashion!

Worse than all--this folly is not satisfied until it
has extirpated every moral sentiment, and blasted
the soul. A "wardrobe" is the rock upon which many
a soul has been dashed to hell.

The striving for a luxurious life, has been the vortex
which has swallowed up more souls--than the sea
has ever devoured!

What room is left for elevating themes--in a heart
filled with trivial and petty things? Who can wonder
that in this haste for gilded baubles--that men
should tumble into eternal ruin?

There are some people who will risk their eternity to
obtain a worldly trifle! They will forfeit the splendors
of heaven--to get another trinket!

In the wild tumult of the last day--the mountains falling,
the heavens flying, the universe assembling; amid the
boom of the last great thunder-peal, and under the
crackling of a burning world--what will become of all
this fop and fashion?

"But godliness with contentment is a great gain. For we
 brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing
 out. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content
 with these. But those who want to be rich fall into
 temptation, a trap, and many foolish and harmful desires,
 which plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love
 of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and by craving it,
 some have wandered away from the faith and pierced
 themselves with many pains!" 1 Timothy 6:6-10

Grace Gems (choice ELECTRONIC books, sermons & quotes)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Listeners Response

I've just listened to my first full broadcast of your show and I want you to know that I love it.  The July 29th show featured a news report about abortions in South Dakota.  This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart.  I have never believed in abortion and I think alot of young people think that this may be their  only solution as they know that they may not be ready to handle the responsibilities of raising a child.  I understand that people make bad choices but I also know that there are many people who don't learn from their mistakes. We (society) have made it so simple to just "get rid" of our mistakes and too many people think that it isn't a big deal to have an abortion. Many people have had more than one and have an "oh well" attitude about it.
Things have changed so much over the last 30 years that having a child out of wedlock doesn't carry the shame or makes you an outcast like it did before.
There are so many loving good couples out there that would love to adopt a child and provide a home.  There are resources to allow a young person to get the medical attention needed to ensure a healthy birth and many times without cost.  If you are old enough to decide to have sex then you need to accept the consequences and realize that the decision you make will impact a life.  I think adoption is a great solution if someone doesn't feel ready to raise a child.
Speaking from experience I know what it is like to be a child having a child.  It is not easy to do it alone and there were many tears shed in the shower.  But the rewards outnumber the heartache.  Where would I be without [my children]?  While it wasn't easy and I made mistakes along the way, if I had it to do all over again I would still make the same decision.
As a society we have become too permissive and have steered away from the true family values that were held in such high regard in the 50's.  With the flower loving 60's and the "me" 80's we have focused on self gratification and taking the easy way out.  Families don't sit down to dinners anymore; we allow TV to keep our children out of trouble without monitoring what they watch and in many homes the word "God" is never heard.  To be politically correct prayer isn't allowed in schools, people want to delete "one nation under God" from the pledge of allegiance and you don't hear "Merry Christmas" when shopping in December. 
I know that it is scary to have a baby when often times the mothers are babies themselves, but they need to realize that they have a life inside of them; a human being and truly a gift from God.  If you can't raise the child then give the baby up; know that you are giving them a chance.  If you decide to keep the baby know that it will be difficult but it can be done.  YOU can do it, it will take hard work and determination but it can be done!  And for heaven sakes learn from it and take better precautions or even better change your life style.  Who knows, you might be giving the world one of the next great internet talk show hosts!