Monday, May 26, 2008

Mega Church - The Video Game

I saw this spoof on 'Huffington Post' and thought it was too funny not to share.
Yes, I understand that it's 'over the top' but it's not that big of a stretch, which is pretty sad if you ask me. But, least we don't have to worry about this video game promoting murder for fun, strip clubs, stealing cars and all other kinds of wretched behaviors....

Well, I guess it's all in the eyes of the beholder!

For His Glory,


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Are We Missing the Mark?

I'm not going to pretend like I know all the details regarding the story about the autistic boy who is now being told he can not come to mass. I won't assume that there wasn't already a lot of thought that went into the situation prior to the priest making a decision to file a restraining order from the local police department in order to secure the "safety" for the other congregation members. I also won't deny that this is a very tough situation that would be hard for anyone to handle.

But with that said, here is why I think this church and its priest are missing the mark.

Church is not a place we go to simply get our fill or "spiritual blessings" every week. Church is a way for us to express our love for God, fellow believers, and for the world.

Adam Race is a boy with autism. His family cares for him very much. He is 13 years old and is six feet tall and weighs more than 225 pounds. He has also had several outbursts in church that have been very disruptive and have put the safety of others at risk. But he is also a child of God.

What I see in today's church is that we are far too concerned with what we can get out of a Sunday service. We want good music, a short sermon that doesn't convict. We want fresh coffee with our donuts and we definitely don't want any dirty looks from anyone when we don't put our tithe in the offering plate. We want lots of programming and free child care so we don't have to worry about doing our job as parents and keeping our children in line.

My question is this. What ever happened to the idea that the Church was to be a blessing to others as Christ has been a blessing to us?

I understand that this young boy is probably a distraction, but are you honestly going to tell me that the only solution is to restrain him from coming to mass? You're kidding me right? Why can't a group of people from the congregation come along side the Ryan family and help them through this tough situation. Don't you think that would be more in line with how the Bible calls us to be? A blessing to one another. Taking care of those who are in need.

But now, instead, we we have a church that is giving the impression that not only are they a 'selective' group who probably don't want anything to do with the outside world, but they are also kicking people out from the inside who actually want to be there.

Why would anyone want anything to do with a Church like this?

What a shame. A perfect opportunity to show the world why the church is different, wasted!

Your thoughts?

A Conversation with an Atheist.

I'm not trying to be pushy here.  I am honestly just looking for a genuine discussion on the subject. 


Obviously as a passionate follower of Christ, it intrigues me to hear of people who have 'been there' and 'done that' and then walked away with absolutely no faith what-so-ever.


I am enticed to find clarity on how someone could spend so much of their life 'believing' in something only to one day walk away from it altogether as if the curtain had finally been opened to them, revealing their very own 'Wizard of Oz'.  What would cause this?  Is it brought on by pain, is it the hypocrisy of those inside, is it something that we simply need to grow out of?  Or, is it possibly that the arguments from the other side of the fence became too hard to reason against?  What triggers this 'change of heart'?


As a God fearing man I am curious what would cause me to have so much faith in something that causes someone else so much grief.  I'm not saying that you are grieved by this, but many people are yet my faith in God is without question.  What is the difference?  Why does Christianity bring me joy, while others look at it as a source for regret, guilt or fear?  Why is my passion for truth quenched by the Holy and Living Word of God, while for others this book is nothing more than hoax, folklore, or stumbling block?


And then there's creation.  The world we live in, and all it's splendor, which demands an equally wondrous explanation.  Not some shot in the dark theory that attempts to weakly convince me somehow everything just accidentally happened without any explanation.  Why is the logic that we use to explain modern day marvels (Golden Gate Bridge, Empire State Building, or Pyramids…) not the same as the universe and its existence? 


And then there is "existence".  What are the qualifications of existence?  Are they simply limited to what we can see, taste, touch, hear, or feel? 


And what about history.  Can it be trusted?  And if so, what standard do we use to test if it is true?  Is it simply the written records of those who have 'been there' and 'seen that' and written about it?


And what about all the written records of those who encountered God.  Or those that were fortunate enough to see the miraculous works of Jesus Christ, who walked this very same earth preaching repentance before God and love for one another.  The very same Jesus who spoke of his divinity in words like <i>"I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No man comes to the Father except by me."</i> Then His death, and His resurrection, which were both predicted by the prophets thousands of years before his birth…What do we do with this <i>evidence</i>?


All my answers for these questions have one source.  The Scripture.  I am interested to know where you find yours.

Jason W. Allen

Nothing can tame savage hearts!

(John MacDuff)

Oh, the human heart is deep in its corruptions,
deep in its self-deceptions. "The human heart
is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who
really knows how bad it is?" Jeremiah 17:9

Nothing can tame savage hearts but the
regenerating power of the blessed Gospel.

"I will cleanse you from all your impurities
 and from all your idols. I will give you a
 new heart and put a new spirit in you; I
 will remove from you your heart of stone
 and give you a heart of flesh. And I will
 put My Spirit in you and cause you to
 follow My decrees and be careful to
 keep My laws."
Ezekiel 36:25-27

Courtesy of Grace Gems.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Now You're in Trouble


I'm posting from my phone via txt msg. Scary, huh? Now you'll never get away from me!

But a flea-bite!

("The Mute Christian Under the Smarting Rod" or, "The Silent Soul with Sovereign Antidotes" by Thomas Brooks, 1659, London.)

Christian! Your present afflictions are not great--if compared with the afflictions and torments of many of the damned, who when they were it this world, never sinned at so high a rate as you have done! There are many now in hell, who never sinned against such clear light as you have done, nor against such special love as you have done, nor against such precious mercies as you have done! Certainly there are many nowa-roaring in everlasting burnings--who never sinned as you have done!

What are your present afflictions and troubles--compared to the torments of the damned, whose torments are . . .
without intermission,
without mitigation,
and endless!

Who have . . .
weeping served for the first course,
and gnashing of teeth for the second course,
and the gnawing worm for the third course,
and intolerable pain for the fourth course!

Yet the pain of the body is least part of pain. The very soul of sorrow and pain--is the soul's sorrow and pain! The everlasting alienation and separation from God is served for the fifth course!

Ah, Christian! how can you seriously think on these things and not lay your hand upon your mouth--even when you are under the greatest temporal sufferings? Your sins have been far greater than many of those who are now in hell, and your great afflictions are but a flea-bite compared to theirs! Therefore hush your murmuring, and be silent before the Lord!

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us!" Romans 8:18

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all!" 2 Corinthians 4:17-18

Monday, May 19, 2008

True Christianity

(J. C. Ryle,  "What Is Needed?" 1895)
(1) True Christianity has always taught the inspiration, sufficiency, and supremacy of Holy Scripture. It has told men that "God's written Word" is the only trustworthy rule of faith and practice in religion; that God requires nothing to be believed that is not in this Word; and that nothing is right which contradicts it. It has never allowed reason,  or the voice of the Church, to be placed above, or on a level with Scripture. It has steadily maintained that, however imperfectly we may understand it, the Old Book is meant to be the only standard of life and doctrine.

(2) True Christianity has always taught fully the sinfulness, guilt and corruption of human nature. It has told men, that they are born in sin, deserve God's wrath and condemnation, and are naturally inclined to do evil. It has never allowed that men and women are only weak and pitiable creatures, who can become good when they please, and make their own peace with God. On the contrary, it has steadily declared man's danger and vileness, and his pressing need of a Divine forgiveness and atonement for his sins, a new birth or conversion, and an entire change of heart.

(3) True Christianity has always set before men, the Lord Jesus Christ as the chief object of faith and hope in religion--as the Divine Mediator between God and men, the only source of peace of conscience, and the root of all spiritual life. The main things it has ever insisted on about Christ, are--the atonement for sin He made by His death, His sacrifice on the cross, the complete redemption from guilt and condemnation by His blood, His victory over the grave by His resurrection, His active life of intercession at God's right hand, and the absolute necessity of simple faith in Him. In short, it has made Christ the Alpha and the Omega in Christian theology.

(4) True Christianity has always honored the Person of God the Holy Spirit, and magnified His work. It has never taught that all professing Christians have the grace of the Spirit in their hearts, as a matter of course--because they are baptized, or because they belong to a Church. It has steadily maintained that the fruits of the Spirit are the only evidence of having the Spirit, and that those fruits must be seen! It has always taught, that we must be born of the Spirit, led by the Spirit, sanctified by the Spirit, and feel the operations of the Spirit--and that a close walk with God in the path of His commandments, a life of holiness, love, self-denial, purity, and zeal to do good--are the only satisfactory marks of the Holy Spirit.

Such is true Christianity. Well would it have been for the world, if there had been more of it during the last nineteen centuries! Too often, and in too many parts of Christendom, there has been so little of it--that Christ's religion has seemed extinct, and has fallen into utter contempt!

This is the Christianity which, in the days of the Apostles, "turned the world upside down!" It was this which emptied the idol temples of their worshipers, routed the Greek and Roman philosophers, and obliged even heathen writers to confess that the followers of the "new superstition," as they called it, were people who loved one another, and lived very pure and holy lives!

Let it never be forgotten, that its leading principles are those which are least likely to please the natural man. On the contrary, they are precisely those which are calculated to be unpopular and to give offense. Proud man does not like to be told that he is a weak, guilty sinner--that he cannot save his own soul, and must trust in the work of another--that he must be converted and have a new heart--that he must live a holy, self-denying life, and come out from the world.

Yet, this is the Christianity which is doing good at this day, wherever real good is done. The only religious teaching which can show solid, positive results--is that which gives prominence to the doctrines which I have endeavored to describe. Wherever they are rightly taught, Christianity can point to fruits which are an unanswerable proof of its Divine origin. There are myriads of professing Christians who have no life or reality in their religion--and are only nominal members of Christ's Church. Except for going to church on Sundays, they give no evidence of true Christianity. If you mark their daily life--they seem neither to think, nor feel, nor care for their souls, or God, or eternity. Men and women who crowd churches on Sundays--and then live worldly selfish lives all the week--are the best and most efficient allies of the devil.

True faith
is not a mere "mental assent" to certain theological propositions--but a living, burning, active principle--which works by love, purifies the heart, overcomes the world, and brings forth much fruit of holiness and good works. Let us live as if we really believed every jot and tittle of Scripture--and as if a dying, risen, interceding, and coming Christ, were continually before our eyes!

Jason W. Allen

Friday, May 16, 2008

Don't Waste Your Pulpit - A Call for Pastors

This video is too good not to share. In a day where our pulpits have become just another place to find "Self Help". It's nice to see someone who still understand the difference between the role of a Pastor and the role of a motivational speaker.

I'd be interested in your thoughts on the Dr. Piper video. But more importantly, please enjoy!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Reverse Evangelism

Is this what reverse evangelism looks like?

If so, are we doing a service to our heavenly Father when we 'soften' and try so hard to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ all about love and grace?

What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Is this what a hate crime looks like?

Below is a video of a university approved pro life demonstration, and the fellow students who took exception to the message behind the crosses on the lawn.

What are your thoughts?

What if the roles were reversed?