Mega Church - The Video Game

A look at the world from a believers point of view.
I'm not going to pretend like I know all the details regarding the story about the autistic boy who is now being told he can not come to mass. I won't assume that there wasn't already a lot of thought that went into the situation prior to the priest making a decision to file a restraining order from the local police department in order to secure the "safety" for the other congregation members. I also won't deny that this is a very tough situation that would be hard for anyone to handle.
I'm not trying to be pushy here. I am honestly just looking for a genuine discussion on the subject.
Obviously as a passionate follower of Christ, it intrigues me to hear of people who have 'been there' and 'done that' and then walked away with absolutely no faith what-so-ever.
I am enticed to find clarity on how someone could spend so much of their life 'believing' in something only to one day walk away from it altogether as if the curtain had finally been opened to them, revealing their very own 'Wizard of Oz'. What would cause this? Is it brought on by pain, is it the hypocrisy of those inside, is it something that we simply need to grow out of? Or, is it possibly that the arguments from the other side of the fence became too hard to reason against? What triggers this 'change of heart'?
As a God fearing man I am curious what would cause me to have so much faith in something that causes someone else so much grief. I'm not saying that you are grieved by this, but many people are yet my faith in God is without question. What is the difference? Why does Christianity bring me joy, while others look at it as a source for regret, guilt or fear? Why is my passion for truth quenched by the Holy and Living Word of God, while for others this book is nothing more than hoax, folklore, or stumbling block?
And then there's creation. The world we live in, and all it's splendor, which demands an equally wondrous explanation. Not some shot in the dark theory that attempts to weakly convince me somehow everything just accidentally happened without any explanation. Why is the logic that we use to explain modern day marvels (Golden Gate Bridge, Empire State Building, or Pyramids…) not the same as the universe and its existence?
And then there is "existence". What are the qualifications of existence? Are they simply limited to what we can see, taste, touch, hear, or feel?
And what about history. Can it be trusted? And if so, what standard do we use to test if it is true? Is it simply the written records of those who have 'been there' and 'seen that' and written about it?
And what about all the written records of those who encountered God. Or those that were fortunate enough to see the miraculous works of Jesus Christ, who walked this very same earth preaching repentance before God and love for one another. The very same Jesus who spoke of his divinity in words like <i>"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except by me."</i> Then His death, and His resurrection, which were both predicted by the prophets thousands of years before his birth…What do we do with this <i>evidence</i>?
All my answers for these questions have one source. The Scripture. I am interested to know where you find yours.
(John MacDuff)
Oh, the human heart is deep in its corruptions,
deep in its self-deceptions. "The human heart
is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who
really knows how bad it is?" Jeremiah 17:9
Nothing can tame savage hearts but the
regenerating power of the blessed Gospel.
Courtesy of Grace Gems.
("The Mute Christian Under the Smarting Rod" or, "The Silent Soul with Sovereign Antidotes" by Thomas Brooks, 1659, London.)
This video is too good not to share. In a day where our pulpits have become just another place to find "Self Help". It's nice to see someone who still understand the difference between the role of a Pastor and the role of a motivational speaker.
Is this what reverse evangelism looks like?