God Talk Radio
A look at the world from a believers point of view.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Blasphemy & The Other Cartoon Controversy

Yesterday yet another audiotape was released from Osama Bin Laden seeking to rekindle Muslim anger over the Danish newspaper cartoons satirizing the Prophet Mohammad.
On Feb. 13, 2008 Danish newspapers republished one of the cartoons, which shows Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban, to illustrate their commitment to freedom of speech after police said they had uncovered the beginnings of a plot to kill the artist.
Muslims widely saw the cartoons as an insult, depicting the prophet as violent. Islamic law generally opposes any depiction of the prophet, even favorable, for fear it could lead to idolatry.
The original 12 cartoons, first published in a Danish newspaper and then in several papers across Europe, triggered major protests in Muslim countries in 2006.
Bin Laden’s most recent audio message was a call to all Muslims to rise up against the “crusaders” who are attacking the Prophet Mohammad and Islam. He said the attack was, “part of a new crusade in which the Pope of the Vatican had a significant role.”
Bin Laden also stated that, “The response will be what you see and not what you hear and let our mothers bereave us if we do not make victorious our messenger of God.”
Meanwhile, in a little known newspaper published (here) by a campus in the state of Virginia, similar cartoons were printed attacking religion in a very different way. These cartoons were not poking fun at a violent-fundamentalist segment of Islam (or Christianity), but were instead mocking the very existence of the “virgin” birth of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion on the cross.
The point of this post is not to justify the existence of one cartoon and attack the other. I personally feel that both cartoons are inappropriate. However, I do question why a publicly funded college would ever consider it “kosher” to publish such a blatant, blasphemous attack on the foundation of a religious group while continuously calling for tolerance from that same religious group towards the viewpoints of others. To me it seems counter productive.
Yes I am a Christian, and yes I am offended and outraged that my God (both Father and Son) were blasphemed by these tactless cartoons, but I am not surprised. It is not a shock to me that this world, who hates the very idea of God, could do something so evil. I am however shocked to see the obvious and palpable hypocrisy wrapped up into this entire issue.
God, you alone are Holy, You alone are Righteous, and you alone are worthy of nothing but praise.
On Feb. 13, 2008 Danish newspapers republished one of the cartoons, which shows Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban, to illustrate their commitment to freedom of speech after police said they had uncovered the beginnings of a plot to kill the artist.
Muslims widely saw the cartoons as an insult, depicting the prophet as violent. Islamic law generally opposes any depiction of the prophet, even favorable, for fear it could lead to idolatry.
The original 12 cartoons, first published in a Danish newspaper and then in several papers across Europe, triggered major protests in Muslim countries in 2006.
Bin Laden’s most recent audio message was a call to all Muslims to rise up against the “crusaders” who are attacking the Prophet Mohammad and Islam. He said the attack was, “part of a new crusade in which the Pope of the Vatican had a significant role.”
Bin Laden also stated that, “The response will be what you see and not what you hear and let our mothers bereave us if we do not make victorious our messenger of God.”
Meanwhile, in a little known newspaper published (here) by a campus in the state of Virginia, similar cartoons were printed attacking religion in a very different way. These cartoons were not poking fun at a violent-fundamentalist segment of Islam (or Christianity), but were instead mocking the very existence of the “virgin” birth of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion on the cross.
The point of this post is not to justify the existence of one cartoon and attack the other. I personally feel that both cartoons are inappropriate. However, I do question why a publicly funded college would ever consider it “kosher” to publish such a blatant, blasphemous attack on the foundation of a religious group while continuously calling for tolerance from that same religious group towards the viewpoints of others. To me it seems counter productive.
Yes I am a Christian, and yes I am offended and outraged that my God (both Father and Son) were blasphemed by these tactless cartoons, but I am not surprised. It is not a shock to me that this world, who hates the very idea of God, could do something so evil. I am however shocked to see the obvious and palpable hypocrisy wrapped up into this entire issue.
God, you alone are Holy, You alone are Righteous, and you alone are worthy of nothing but praise.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
In Christ Alone?
We've talked several times on our show about the heresy behind the Gospel of Prosperity and why it is so dangerous, but I must admit that even I am shocked to see this clip from Paula White's TV program.
Distorting the idea of God's blessings is one thing, but to distort the very purpose of Jesus' death on the cross and the Glory of His resurrection is utter and complete blasphemy.
Lord it is my prayer that this Gospel of Prosperity will not take root in anyone's life. Let us remember this Holy Week why You sent “Your one and only Son” to earth. He was sent as a propitiation for our sins. Thank you Jesus for your gift, and may we never forget the beauty and power of You, and You alone.
For His Glory.