God Talk Radio
A look at the world from a believers point of view.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Helping those who can't help themselves
If you have some time, this video is well worth your while!!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wasn’t this idea used by the devil in the Garden of Eden to convince Adam and Eve to disobey God in the first place? Wasn’t this the temptation that lead to the fall of man?
Throughout history, philosophy and other secular-humanistic ideas and methods have been used and applied by man to deny the existence of a “supreme” being. This tactic is simple. If we can convince ourselves that God does not exist, then we are no longer subject to the authority that comes with His existence. In turn, this means that we are therefore only accountable to ourselves for our choices and actions, or lack there of.
Under the pretext of knowledge, a faction of humanity has convinced themselves that through the pursuit of education and the exploration and investigation of the “truth”, the inexistence of God can be proved, and therefore those who believe in God will simply be classified as ignorant a.k.a. people who don’t have the mental capacity to accept or understand reality.
In the Bible (Col. 2:8) Paul warns about this behavior and those who put their value in philosophy (lit. love of wisdom) and those who put their faith in the ideas of man and not the truth that is found in the scriptures. Paul understands that the real evil behind this is the devil and his desire to see man’s separation from their creator.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Pro. 1:7). Apart from God man will never understand the truth. We must ensure that we are feeding our minds, bodies, and souls with the Holy Word of God and not with anything that is created by man or orchestrated by the devil.