Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Un-Fairness Doctrine

To those of you who don't know what this is, I challenge you to do some research on this subject on your own.

From my understanding, the Fairness Doctrine basically says that radio stations will be forced to give equal time to both conservative and liberal broadcasters or at least allow both viewpoints/talking points to have equal time on the airwaves.

Folks, this is America. We live in a free country. What we are talking about here is taking away one of our most basic freedoms. The freedom of speech. The freedom to talk openly and freely without government intervention. This is a political battle and we need to do what we can to ensure that our freedom of speech remains free, and tell the government to stay off our rights!

Question: If liberal talk radio was controlling the radio platform like they do with the news and other media outlets do you think we'd be having this argument? No. We're having it because conservative leaning Americans have gone to radio stations in huge numbers instead of ABC, NBC, CBS to get media without the liberal bias.

Finally, if you think this would stop at "political talk radio" programs, then you need to open your eyes. If we allow the government to regulate anything they always take it to an extreme. What would this type of doctrine do for Christian Radio Stations? Think about it and what it truly means for your rights. It's a troubling thought



At 6:41 AM , Blogger Jim B. said...

I agree. Your last comment is the most important for Christians to consider. Anyone who believes this kind of government censorship will stop with conservative talk radio is perilously naive.

God help us.


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