Wednesday, September 09, 2009

And This is Where Things Turn Sour.

Read this article and tell me how this school will defend their actions?

The outcry surrounding President Obama talking to our nation's school children is still something I don't understand. I know that many people do not agree w/ this administrations actions (I am one of those people) but like it or not, Mr. Obama is still our President and still holds the responsibility of the President of the United States of America. There will be many addresses to this nation coming from this President and I'm afraid that the outcry against Mr. Obama speaking to our children does more harm than good to the state of our nation. I think the TX school that made the decision to decline the Obama speech made a big mistake and here's why I feel this way.

Parents hold the responsibility to ensure their children are being raised with an understanding of right and wrong. No 30-minute speech from Obama or Bush should be able to mold or shape our children's mind in a way that has any long standing effect on them. If it does, then we are not doing our job as parents. This entire situation has become a political one. Children were caught in the middle of a statement by parents about their regard for our President and his policies. Those parents who don't like the politics of Mr. Obama don't want their children to be anywhere near the man...problem is, he is our President. I remember way back with G.W. was in office...driving down the highway and seeing those stupid bumper stickers that read, "W" Not my President....Umm, well, yeah actually he was your President...and like it or not Obama is our President too and deserves the same respect we demanded for Bush when he was in office.

You see, I honestly think this entire situation does more damage to our children than good. What are we protecting them from? Propaganda? They'll get that the other 200+ days their in school anyway, so what do you honestly think your saving them from? Queue the's what you're not saving them from. By making this choice as a parent, you have now made a statement to your child regarding their need to respect the authority of those appointed over them. This may seem like a little thing, but what happens when that "lesson" is used against you? What happens when our choice to allow our children the freedom of contempt against authority turns to their God? Unfortunately the harm of this seemingly small decision has the potential to haunt this nation and our children for a long time to come.

My prayer is that as parents, we will make good Godly decisions and not simply react to our emotions in any situation. President Obama needs our support and our prayers and we can only hope that God will soften his heart and humble him and the other leaders of this nation. This can be accomplished (I'm not saying it will) but it will only be accomplished through our prayers not our politics.

Just a Thought,




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