Friday, May 15, 2009

Bible Bangers vs. Bible Bashers (Who Wins)

Here's a very interesting read. Wrong, but very interesting.

Former fundamentalist 'debunks' Bible -*

In this article, Ehrman claims that:

"Christianity has never been about the Bible being the inerrant word of God"

Ehrman also says:

"Christianity is about the belief in Christ."

Ehrman also claimed:

"No one accepts everything in the Bible. Everyone picks and chooses."

Unfortunately, both of these are popular statements today. They shouldn't be, but they are, because people have assumed a much more subjective-relativistic role in shaping their own doctrine and theology.

To me, this just points to our fundamental need to have a source for absolute truth. For us, the Bible is that source. The world is completely comfortable saying there is no source for this truth (so they answer only to themselves and their feelings), but if that is truly the case then no one really knows anything for sure...which is exactly what gives fuel to this kind of thing, the emergent church, and people's claims that everyone has a right to their own opinion.

To me, it just continues to point to our sinful condition and our prideful contempt of who God should be in our lives. We don't want to be told, by anyone or anything, how we should live. And there is a defiance of God and an insubordination that has consumed our hearts and our thoughts. It's very sad, but it's also a very primitive concept and can be traced in the scriptures all the way to Adam and Eve. They had a pride of life and "self" and no longer wanted to live under the authority of God or his word. What a scary place to be....

It's stories like this that prove the need for shows like VOTR and GTR-Live. Someone has to be the voice of the Lord in these trying times.

We're still kicking around some ideas as to how we can continue with our show. One idea we have, while we figure out a time to bring back GTR-Live, is a non-live-- pre-recorded-- GTR-cast which would be a shortened version of our normal show. Probably picking one item or article to discuss in detail and then posting the recording on our site for people to listen to when they have time throughout the week. What-do-ya-think? Good idea? Any interest?

For His Glory,




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