
According to an article found on the "Christian Post" Montgomery's 8th and 10th graders will be taught in their health education courses that homosexuality is "innate," anal sex is just another sexual option, children who hold traditional religious views about homosexuality are labeled "homophobic," and that transgenderism is just another "sexual orientation," according to Thomas More Law Center.
According to this article the lessons that will be taught are aimed at promoting "respect" and "acceptance" of the various forms of sexual identity, but pro-family groups argue that the lessons will indoctrinate children with a negative influence and that parents should have the right to decide what their children will learn about normal "sexual" behavior.
The article goes on to say that students will be subject to "individual testimonies" from the GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual) community.
One testimony reads as follows:
"I've known for a long time that I am a lesbian. When I was a little girl, my grandfather would read me a bedtime story before I went to sleep. When he read those stories, I knew that when I grew up, I would marry the beautiful princess, not the prince."
The concern that some parents have addressed with the lessons that will be taught is that they will be teaching the children that if they don't accept homosexuality, then there is something seriously wrong with them. It is also a concern that kids will not get an opportunity to object or voice their opinions over the material that is being taught. The lessons are so "tightly scripted" there is really no discussion that is permitted to take place in the classroom.
- Do you think the parents should have a right to be upset?
- Should the schools be teaching our children about these issues?
- What rights should the children have in this situation?
- What effect will this have on what the church is trying to do?
Jason W. Allen
GTR Staff
The Mrs. found this article today.
Seems apropos to the topic.
God Bless
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